21 Days of Reiki

Reiki Ritual and Circles #21daysofreiki

Since I am both a Witch and a Reiki Master, the combination of the occult magic circle and the healing power of Reiki seems like the natural progression of blending two paths. I love to do this for my healing rituals for the Temple of Witchcraft. I feel that making a sacred space and time to burn the petitions of healing, our healing list, and my own goal lists makes the act of releasing the healing so much more powerful and focused. I know not everyone wants to blend Reiki with their witchcraft or vise versa, and that is okay. For me though it is a ritual of power and healing. The Reiki circle can be used for meditation, healing work, and magic. I have written the following ritual to use at the new moon when I release the Temple’s healing for the healing list so it is focused on releasing healing to those on the list.

To do the ritual you are going to need some things: A cauldron or pot for burning your petitions in, the petitions them selves, a lighter or matches, an altar that it is safe to burn on. I usually do this ritual outside. Some optional things you can add to the ritual is incense for healing, charged candles, crystals or any other healing accouterments.

Set your altar. I like to have the cauldron with the petitions in the middle of the altar. Begin by facing north. Put out your dominant hand and imagine a healing flow of Reiki that shoots out like a beam, making a ring around you as you walk around the space of your circle. Do three circuits around the circle visualizing this ring. I like to set my intention with these words.

“I cast this circle of Reiki to protect the healing work I am about to do, I charge it to draw in healing power and to disperse any energies that are harmful, I consecrate it to be a space beyond space, a time beyond time, Where the highest healing good reigns supreme. So mote it be!”

I clap my hands to cut off the flow and seal the circle. Then facing the north I call to the healers of the elements around the circle.

“To the north I call to the healers of earth, healers of the body and healers of the land, be with me in this circle to lend me your wisdom and your power. Hail and welcome.”

Face the east and say:

To the east I call to the healers of fire, healers of the spirit and healers of energy, be with me in this circle and lend me your wisdom and your power. Hail and welcome.”

Face the south and say:

“To the south I call to the healers of air, healers of the mind and keepers of healing knowledge, Be with me in this circle and lend me your wisdom and your power. Hail and welcome.”

Face the west and say:

“To the west I call to the healers of water, healers of emotion and healers of the past, Be with me in this circle and lend me your wisdom and your power. Hail and welcome.”

Go to the altar. We have created a sacred space around us and now it is time to bring divine energy into the circle. For this invocation you may want to have a charged white candle or other candle of you choice to represent the deity you want to invoke. I invite you to come up with one of your own invocations to your healing deity. Here is a generic one that calls on the great spirit.

“I call to the infinite source from which all Reiki flows. Great Spirit in all your healing guises be with me in this space. Guide this healing work. Bless my circle with your divine presence. Blessed be. ”

I also call to the Reiki Masters beyond the veil to be with me. I like to make this one up on the fly. I encourage you to come up with your own prayer to them and for them.

I then draw the Reiki symbols over the cauldron with the petitions in it. I give them some more Reiki just before I burn them. I like to set the intention with some words of power before I light them. You can use mine or something of your own.

“By the infinite source from which all Reiki comes, I ask that all requests for healing, banishing, and manifestation within this cauldron manifest for the highest healing good, harming none. I thank the infinite for all my blessings and for this healing work. So mote it be!”

Then I light the petitions and let them burn down. When they have turned to ash, I will put the lid on the cauldron to let them snuff and cool.

I then thank the infinite for its presence in my own words. I thank the Reiki Masters in the same manner.

Then turning to the north, I release the healers.

“I give thanks to the healers of earth, the healers of the body and the land, Go forth with my blessing. Hail and farewell. “

Then turn to the west.

“I give thanks to the healers of water, the healers of emotion and of the past, Go forth with my blessing. Hail and farewell.”

Facing the south:

“I give thanks to the healers of air, healers of thought and keepers of knowledge. Go for the with my blessing. Hail and farewell.”

Facing the east:

“I give thanks to the healers of fire, Healers of spirit and of energy. Go forth with my blessing. Hail and farewell.”

Then I walk the circle counter clockwise imagining it expanding out as a wave of healing saying:

“I cast this circle out into the cosmos as a healing wave of energy, may those in need of its healing receive it for their highest healing good harming none. So mote it be!

The ritual is done. Dispose of the ashes responsibly.

I hope you have enjoyed this #21daysofreiki series. Thank you for reading. I hope that you all find the healing you need when you need it. Blessed be!

— Adam

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